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Date: 30 January 2018


Children's Art Competition opens for 2018


Harrogate in Bloom's first project of the year


Each January as winter has us firmly in its grips Harrogate in Bloom is already thinking about spring as this month they traditionally launch their annual children's art competition.


Last year's competition attracted record entries of over 800 with younger children colouring in a garden and older ones designing a garden bed.


Pam Grant, President of Harrogate in Bloom, says the general theme is always about flowers and plants but is being made especially obvious this year.  She added: 'For 2018, we are focussing on the word B L O O M.  We will provide templates and ask pre-prep/reception classes to colour in the whole word and KS1 and KS2 groups are being asked to choose and 'illuminate' one letter.

'We are extremely grateful to Harrogate Flower Shows who are again supporting our competition.  As well as providing prizes for the winners, they are also paying for the enlarging and printing of the winning 'B L O O M'.  It is going to be very eye catching.'


The winning entries will go on display at the Harrogate Spring Flower Show and the Bloom Exhibition in York. They will also be shown to the Yorkshire in Bloom Judges when they judge Harrogate in July.


The competition is open to all nurseries and primary schools in Harrogate.  Entry packs can be obtained from  The closing date for entries is 4 March and the awards will be presented by the Mayor of Harrogate, Councillor Anne Jones, at a presentation to be held at the Granby Residential Home on Saturday 24 March 2018.




Media contact: Pam Grant 01423 509971 email

or Lynne Mee, Harrogate in Bloom publicity officer 07702 313776 email

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