Harrogate in Bloom Summer Garden Competition 2018
12 May
Harrogate is renowned for its floral displays, public parks and open spaces but it also deserves a similar reputation for having outstanding private and business gardens.
Harrogate in Bloom is again running a summer garden competition which will recognise and celebrate all that hard work.
As well as the usual awards for residential and business gardens, there is a new category this year for school gardens.
Mary Mann, Harrogate in Bloom's competition administrator is urging anyone who is proud of their garden to enter. She added: "Most gardeners garden for their own enjoyment but they actually bring pleasure to many. We are all guilty of taking a quick peek over the hedge or through the gate as we pass by. There are wonderful blooming business premises too. Some have manicured gardens and others excellent window boxes or hanging baskets. We want to celebrate all these gardens.
“Harrogate in Bloom works a lot with local schools and many of them are getting pupils involved in creating their own gardens so they can enjoy fresh air, learn about horticulture and in many cases grow their own vegetables. These young people are the gardeners of the future and we want to do all we can to encourage them.”
Large or small, all your own work or a team effort or even with an employed gardener, Harrogate in Bloom would like to see you enter this year and would love to show the Yorkshire in Bloom judges some of the summer garden entries. The judges will be in town in July.
All entrants will be invited to Harrogate in Bloom's Awards Afternoon on Sunday, 23 September 2018 at the Old Swan Hotel when the winners will be announced.
Entries from schools should be in by 15 June and by 1 July for Residents (front gardens) and Businesses (including pubs and restaurants, retail and commercial, hotels and guest houses, care homes and communal grounds).
The awards are sponsored by Transdev.