11 July 2019
Wine and roses but it is the name of a plant!
June has been a disappointment weatherwise but nothing lifts the spirits like a glass of wine. So that’s what a group of us from Team Harrogate enjoyed as we got together to finalise plans for our Britain in Bloom entry. A big thank you to Andy of Harrogate Fine Wines on Montpellier Street who hosted us in his wine tasting room. Montpellier is a beautiful part of town with lovely shops and restaurants. Do pop into see Andy and pick up a leaflet about upcoming wine tasting events.
Many businesses in the Montpellier Quarter back our ‘in bloom’ campaign and most have our hanging baskets.
Although the Britain in Bloom criteria include horticultural elements the rules also place as much emphasis on ‘community’ and ‘environment’.
We have to demonstrate how we cover these elements both on judging day as well as in a comprehensive portfolio we have to submit a few weeks before the judges arrive.
Under ‘community’ we showed how we involve all ages and sectors from pre-school to retirement homes, through to businesses, visitors and residents. And the environment category isn’t just about birds, bees and bugs. Some of our members look after or create miles of footpaths for the public to enjoy woodland and open space. That sort of thing also comes under environment.
We also have to show our ‘Year Round’ Involvement. We’ve got that in spade loads. The diary runs from June last year to December this year because we have to show we are forward planning too. I keep this diary going all year and it is amazing to see how much goes on across Team Harrogate.
Final few weeks to judging day on 1 August.